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180 Physical Therapy now offers “Telehealth” services for both new and existing patients. In these visits, I will join you on a secure video call either on your phone or tablet/computer and will be able to see and talk with you about your condition. I’ll have you do movements that I will demonstrate to assess your abilities and instruct you on intervention strategies, an exercise program tailored to your condition, as well as other self-care techniques. Using live video for physical therapy services is very effective in treating most conditions.

Additionally, these telehealth services are now being covered by most major insurances and we can contact your insurance company to verify if covered prior to scheduling.

No physician prescription is required to initiate a physical therapy evaluation and we will be able to properly screen you to determine if emergency care/PCP consult is required or if physical therapy would be of benefit.

If you have specific questions about how telehealth can help with your particular condition, I am happy to discuss the specifics.

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